We have 141 supporters !
On 19 September 2018, the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan, alongside 4 other Chambers and having consulted with many of its members, issued a statement recommending that the Government of Japan recognizes the right to marry to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) couples. To do so would remove handicaps facing companies doing business in Japan in attracting and retaining talent and in treating the full diversity of their workforce equitably, which are foundational elements of a work environment conducive to maximum productivity.
There are 34 countries with marriage equality, including most of Japan’s international peers. There is now sufficient empirical evidence that equal marriage would result in concrete benefits for the LGBT community, for companies doing business in Japan and for Japanese companies doing business abroad. In addition to benefiting the country’s overall economic competitiveness and increasing productivity, marriage equality would positively impact Japan’s reputation on the world stage by demonstrating its continued commitment to individual liberty and human rights.
The business case for equal marriage is clear and universal. LLAN has worked closely with the ACCJ and other entities to ensure and expand the support for the Viewpoint, relying on the model of the Amicus Brief submitted by 379 major corporations in support of marriage equality before the US Supreme Court in 2015.
The Viewpoint on Marriage Equality
Viewpoint: Support the Recruitment and Retention of Talent by Instituting Marriage Equality in Japan
BCCJ Press Release: Marriage Equality in Japan, September 21, 2018
Proud Supporters of the Viewpoint
The ACCJ has been joined by other Chambers, organizations, consultancy and law firms, and corporations in supporting the marriage equality:
To learn more about this initiative or to show your support, contact LLAN and visit our Q&A page.
Chambers of Commerce in Support of Marriage Equality
Other Organizations in Support of Marriage Equality
Contacts and questions
Alexander Dmitrenko
LLAN Co-Chair
+81 3 3584 8514 / ad@llanjapan.org
Related Events
31/07/2019 Joint ACCJ/BCCJ event on LGBT equality and workforce productivity (sold out)
02/08/2019 Asia Law Society of Japan on Marriage Equality
05/08/2019 Joint LLAN/MFAJ/Freedom to Marry event on “Marriage Equality” event in Sapporo http://marriageforall.jp/blog/event20190805/
06/08/2019 Joint LLAN/MFAJ/Freedom to Marry event on “Marriage Equality” event in Fukuoka http://marriageforall.jp/blog/freedom-to-marry-fukuoka/
19/09/2019 4th LLAN Equality Gala https://llangala2019.peatix.com/
25/09/2020 5th LLAN Equality Gala https://www.youtube.com/LLAN Equality Gala
News articles and media coverage
5 foreign chambers of commerce in Japan urge gov’t to legalize same-sex marriage
Five foreign commerce and industry chairs in Japan hold an exceptional joint press conference
Rights advocates urge Japan to step up LGBT-inclusive efforts and legalize same-sex marriage
An organization – and an individual – dedicated to LGBT equality
Marriage rights of LGBT, Japan also acknowledged
Inclusive talent: ACCJ support for marriage equality reaches Japanese media
Lawyers’ groups, 2 major law firms express support for same-sex marriage
同性婚を認めれば「日本経済にも恩恵」 アメリカ経済界の提言を法曹界から支持する声
The Conservative Politician Fighting for Gay Rights in Japan