[Please kindly check English version below]
LGBTとアライのための法律家ネットワーク(LLAN)は、2017年9月19日(火)に第2回Equality Gala「多様性と調和」を開催いたします。
LLANは、LGBTの人々に関する理解と対話を促進し、性的指向や性自認を理由とする差別を解消するための法的支援等を行い、個人の尊厳と多様性が尊重され、すべての人々が安心してその能力をフルに発揮して活躍することのできる平等かつインクルーシブな社会の実現に貢献することを目的として設立されました。LLANは、平等(equality)の実現を願って、毎年Equality Galaを開催しています。今年のGalaは着席形式のディナーです。今回のGalaでは、2020年東京オリンピックの3つの基本コンセプトの1つが「多様性と調和」であることを踏まえ、日本、オーストラリア、英国及び台湾からお招きしたゲストに、LGBTに関する平等や多様性についての識見や経験を、お話しいただきます。また、日本のレズビアン及びゲイのカップルについての短編ドキュメンタリー「Love is Love」の上映も予定しています。LGBTについて学びたい方、また、LGBTの権利を支援したい方のご参加を心よりお待ちしています。
本イベントはどなたでもご参加頂けます。当日は満員御礼となる可能性がありますので、お早めにご登録をお願いいたします(お申込み方法については右欄をご参照下さい)。本イベントの定員は170名となります。会場の敷地内には限られた数の駐車場(無料)がございます。満車の際は、近隣に有料の駐車場がございますので、 詳細は学士会館までお問い合わせ下さい。
為末 大(元プロ陸上選手・株式会社 侍 代表取締役)

>> http://tamesue.jp/

>> https://www.michaelkirby.com.au/

同氏はパートナーのJason Eadesと共にアランデル及びロンドンに在住しています。
>> http://www.nickherbert.com/

>> https://tapcpr.org/english/about-us
日程 | 2017年9月19日(火) |
スケジュール | 18:30 受付開始 19:00 開会のご挨拶 19:15 ドキュメンタリー「Love is Love」 19:30 主賓によるスピーチ 21:00 抽選会 21:30 閉会 |
会場 | 学士会館 東京都千代田区神田錦町3-28 代表:03-3292-5936 |
ご協賛&チケット | プラチナスポンサー:1テーブル(8人)12万円 ゴールドスポンサー:1人25,000円 個人:1人12,500円 プラチナスポンサーの募集要項については、こちらまでお問い合わせ下さい。 ゴールドスポンサー及び個人チケットは、Peatixのウェブサイトでご購入頂けます。集めた資金は主に本イベントの費用及び講演者の旅費に充てられます。 |
言語 | 本イベントは日本語と英語で行われます。 |
Second LLAN Equality Gala “Unity in Diversity”
Lawyers for LGBT and Allies Network (LLAN) would like to welcome you to our Second Annual Equality Gala on Tuesday, 19 September 2017.
LLAN’s purpose is to promote the understanding of LGBT individuals, to eliminate discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, to contribute to the realisation of a fair society where all people may realise their full potential in safety and where due consideration shall be given to individual dignity and diversity.The Equality Gala is LLAN’s annual marquee event to celebrate equality. This year, the Gala will be a sit-down dinner featuring special guests from Japan, Australia, UK and Taiwan, who will share their insights and experiences about LGBT equality and diversity with the Japanese audience, especially in anticipation of Tokyo’s hosting 2020 Olympics under the slogan of “Unity in Diversity.” This year’s Gala will also feature the release of two “Love is Love” documentaries about Japanese lesbian and gay couples. The event is open to everyone who supports or would like to learn more about LGBT rights.
This event is open to everyone. The venue capacity is limited at 170. We are expecting a full-house, so please register early. There is a limited number of free parking spaces available at the venue. In case that the parking spaces are full, there is a toll parking lot nearby the venue. Please contact Gakushi-kaikan for more details.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you soon.
For more info and tickets, please visit:
Biographies of VIP guests and speakers
Dai Tamesue

Pursuing ways to pass on the benefits of sports into society through associate organisations: Athlete Society (Chief Administrative Officer, Founded 2010) and Xiborg (Founded 2014). Assigned to Bhutan’s Olympic Committee (BOC) ambassador in April 2015. Continues to support countries that are limited in Olympic medal experiences.
>> http://tamesue.jp/
The Hon Michael Kirby

He received numerous international awards and honours, including the Australian Human Rights Medal, Laurette of the UNESCO Prize for Human Rights Education and co-winner of the Gruber Justice Prize. Earlier this year, Justice Kirby was awarded the Order of the Rising Sun by the Emperor of Japan for his work as a Chairman of the UN Commission of Inquiry on North Korea. During his career, he has been openly gay and is grateful for the exceptional love and support provided to him by his partner Johan over the last 48 years.
>> https://www.michaelkirby.com.au/
Nick Herbert

Nick also played a leading role in the campaign to oppose Brexit. He works closely with international development NGOs on the growing problem of tuberculosis. He co-chairs the All Party Parliamentary Group on Global TB, and he launched the Global TB Caucus which he co-chairs with South Africa’s Health Minister. Nick lives in Arundel and London with his partner Jason Eades.
>> http://www.nickherbert.com/
Victoria Hsiu-wen HSU

Victoria is an Attorney at law (admitted in 1999) and a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Law at Université Paris X in France. She has two Master of Law degrees from the Université Strasbourg III in France, and from National Taipei University in Taiwan. Victoria specialises in European Union law, international human rights law and gender/LGBT issues. She was one of only a few openly lesbian or LGBT candidates to run in Taiwan’s 2016 legislative elections.
Victoria was lead counsel for Mr. Chi Chia-Wei’s landmark case regarding marriage equality before Taiwan’s Constitutional Court which led to the remarkable victory on May 24, 2017. She is also an advisory consultant of the Women’s Rights Committee of Taipei City Government, and of the Gender Equality Council of the Executive Yuan, Taiwan’s cabinet.
>> https://tapcpr.org/english/about-us
Event Information
Date | Tuesday, 19 September 2017 |
Suchedule | 18:30 Doors open 19:00 Welcome remarks and toast 19:15 Documentary: ‘Love is Love’ 19:30 Keynote Speeches 21:00 Raffle prizes 21:30 Doors close |
Venue | Gakushi-kaikan 3-28 Kandanishiki-cho Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 101-8459 Tel: 03-3292-5936 |
Sponsorships & Tickets | Platinum: JPY 120,000 per table (8 seats) Gold: JPY 25,000 per person Individual: JPY 12,500 per personFor platinum sponsorship, please contact us for availability and associated terms info@llanjapan.org. For gold sponsor and individual tickets, please purchase your tickets at http://LLANGala2017.peatix.com.The funds will cover the cost of the event, including speakers’ travel and accommodation. |
Language | The event will be held in both Japanese and English languages. |