LLANは、2024年10月31日に、東京アメリカンクラブにて、第9回年次Equality Galaを開催いたしました。ご来賓、ご協賛事務所及び企業、ご参加の皆様、ボランティアの皆様の、LLANと日本のLGBTQへの揺るぎないご支援に感謝申し上げます。これまでの回と同様、今年のEquality Galaも、日本におけるLGBTQの平等にむけた動きを力づけ、また、参加された皆様にとって、旧交を温め、新たな出会いを提供する場となれば幸いです。
LLAN hosted our 9th Annual Equality Gala on October 31, The Halloween Night, 2024, at the Tokyo American Club. We extend our deepest appreciation and gratitude to the speakers, sponsors, participants, and volunteers for their unwavering support of LLAN and LGBTQ equality in Japan. As in previous years, we hope that this year’s Equality Gala further inspired the LGBTQ equality movement in Japan—a success that would not be possible without the generous support of our corporate and individual allies. The Gala also provided a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with old friends and forge new connections.
The Gala tables are completely sold out. For individual tickets, please contact ito.yumi@llanjapan.org
プログラム Program
Thursday, October 31, 2024
於:東京アメリカンクラブ 東京都港区麻布台2-1-2
at Tokyo American Club 2-1-2 Azabudai, Minato-ku Tokyo
Dress Code: Business, ethnic or Halloween
18:00 開場 Doors Open
18:30 乾杯 Kampai
サントリーホールディングス株式会社 グループガバナンス本部副本部長兼法務部長 明司 雅宏氏
Akashi Masahiro, Deputy Division COO, Group Governance Division& Head of Legal, Suntory Holdings Limited
18:35 開催にあたり Opening Remarks
駐日米国特命全権大使 ラーム エマニュエル閣下
His Excellency Rahm Emanuel, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to Japan
19:15 オペラ歌手によるサプライズ公演 Entertainment by special surprise performer
19:30 LLAN活動のご報告 Report on LLAN Activities
Message from Evan Wolfson, Founder, Freedom to Marry
LLAN代表理事 藤田 直介
Fujita Naosuke, LLAN Co-Chair
LLAN代表理事 アシャースト パートナー アレキサンダー ドミトレンコ
Alexander Dmitrenko, LLAN Co-Chair, Partner of Ashurst
Freedom to Marry創設者 エヴァン ウォルフソン氏からのメッセージのご紹介
19:50日本における婚姻の平等に関する最近の動向について Update on Marriage Equality Movement in Japan
公益社団法人Marriage for All Japan-結婚の自由をすべての人に代表理事 寺原 真希子氏
Terahara Makiko, Representative Director, Marriage for All Japan
20:00 基調講演 Keynote Speech
衆議院議員 河野 太郎氏
Kono Taro, Member of the House of Representatives
20:10 ご来賓スピーチ Special Greetings
参議院議員 谷合 正明氏
Taniai Masaaki, Member of the House of Councillors
参議院議員 石川 大我氏
Ishikawa Taiga, Member of the House of Councillors
20:30 中村 中特別公演 Special Performance by Nakamura Ataru
20:50 Equality Award授賞式 Equality Award ceremony
21:30 抽選会 Announcement of Raffle Winners / 最優秀仮装賞発表 Best Costume Award
21:45 閉会のことば Closing Remarks
Women in Law Japan キャサリン オコーネル氏
Catherine O’Connell, Women in Law Japan
The Equality Gala is brought to your thanks to the incredible generosity of our wonderful sponsors:
Marquee Sponsor
Platinum Sponsors
ご登壇者の横顔(ご登壇順)Speakers’ Profiles (In order of presentation)
明司 雅宏 サントリーホールディングス株式会社 グループガバナンス本部副本部長兼法務部長
Akashi Masahiro, Deputy Division COO, Group Governance Division& Head of Legal, Suntory Holdings Limited
Akashi Masahiro joined Suntory in 1992. He initially gained experience in the sales of alcoholic beverages and corporate finance before focusing on legal affairs, where he has dedicated many years of his career. In 2017, he was appointed Head of Legal at Suntory Holdings Limited, and in 2023, he took on his current role as Deputy Division COO of the Group Governance Division. His responsibilities include M&A, reorganization and business partnerships, as well as overseeing corporate governance, risk management, compliance, and managing geopolitical risks.
In addition to his role at Suntory, He serves as Vice Representative Director of the Association of Corporate Legal Departments, Vice Chairman of the International Corporate Counsels Association, and Vice Chairman of the Strategic Corporate Legal and Governance Study Group.
駐日本米国特命全権大使 ラーム エマニュエル閣下
民主・共和両党からの賛成票を得て、第31代駐日米国大使として2021年12月18日に承認される。大使就任前は、第55代シカゴ市長を務め、2019年5月までその任にあたった。任期中には、世界を代表する都市としてのシカゴの将来を確かなものにするため、いくつかの重大な決定を行った。シカゴ市長就任前は、2008年11月から2010年10月までバラク・オバマ大統領の首席補佐官を、2002 年から2008年までは連邦下院議員を務めた。また、1993年から1998年まで、ビル・クリントン政権の主要メンバーとして、政策・政治担当の大統領上級顧問を務めた。サラ・ローレンス大学を1981年に卒業。1985年にノースウェスタン大学よりスピーチ・コミュニケーションの修士号を取得。
His Excellency Rahm Emanuel Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of
the United States of America to Japan
H.E. Mr. Rahm Emanuel was confirmed in a bipartisan vote as the 31st United States Ambassador to Japan on December 18, 2021. Previously, Ambassador Emanuel was the 55th Mayor of the City of Chicago, a position he held until May 2019. During that time, he made the critical choices necessary to secure Chicago’s future as a global capital. Prior to becoming Mayor, from November 2008 until October 2010, Ambassador Emanuel served as President Barack Obama’s Chief of Staff. From 2002 until 2008, he served in the U.S. House of Representatives. From 1993 to 1998, Ambassador Emanuel was a key member of President Bill Clinton’s administration, rising to serve as Senior Advisor to the President for Policy and Politics. Ambassador Emanuel graduated from Sarah Lawrence College in 1981 and received a Master’s Degree in Speech and Communication from Northwestern University in 1985.
エヴァン ウォルフソン Freedom to Marry 創設者
Evan Wolfson Founder of Freedom to Marry
Evan Wolfson is an US attorney and the founder of Freedom to Marry, a group advocating for marriage equality in the United States. He is one of LLAN’s first and strongest supporters. Evan visited Japan on multiple occasions as the guest of LLAN, speaking about marriage equality in Hokkaido, Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Oita, Fukuoka and Okinawa. Evan has been one of the key leaders of the equal marriage movement in the US and now leads global efforts, including in Japan.
寺原 真希子 公益社団法人 Marriage For All Japan 代表理事
公益社団法人Marriage For All Japan代表理事(2019年~)、「結婚の自由をすべての人に」訴訟東京弁護団共同代表(2019年~)、弁護士法人東京表参道法律会計事務所共同代表(2010年~)、旧メリルリンチ日本証券(株)社内弁護士(2008年~2010年)、ニューヨーク州弁護士資格取得(2008年)、ニューヨーク大学ロースクール卒業(2007年)、国内法律事務所アソシエイト(2000年~2005年)、日本弁護士資格取得(2000年)、東京大学法学部卒業(1997年)。プロボノとして女性やLGBTQコミュニティの人権擁護に尽力。
Terahara Makiko Representative Director, Marriage For All Japan
Terahara Makiko is the representative director of “Marriage For All Japan” (2019-), the co-representative of the Tokyo legal team for the marriage equality litigation (2019-), and the co-representative of Tokyo Omotesando Law and Accounting LPC (2010-). She served as an in-house lawyer of Merrill Lynch Japan Securities Co., Ltd. (2008-2010) and worked as an associate of a Japanese law firm (2000-2005).
Ms. Terahara is a graduate of the University of Tokyo, Faculty of Law (1997). She qualified as an attorney in Japan in 2000, and after completing the LLM Program at New York University (2007), qualified as an attorney in New York (2008). Ms. Terahara has devoted herself to the protection of women’s rights and the rights of the LGBTQ community on a pro bono basis.
河野太郎 自由民主党 衆議院議員
衆議院議員(10期)61歳。これまで、外務大臣、防衛大臣、新型コロナウイルス感染症ワクチン接種担当大臣、デジタル大臣、サイバー安全保障担当大臣、行政改革担当大臣、国家公安委員長、規制改革担当大臣、行政改革担当大臣、国家公務員制度改革担当大臣、消費者及び食品安全担当大臣、防災担当大臣、衆議院外務委員長などを歴任。ジョージタウン大学外交学院卒。過去には、日本競走馬協会会長、湘南ベルマーレ(1995年のアジアチャンピオン)代表取締役会長なども務めた。妻との間に一男。Kono Taro Member of the House of Representatives (Liberal Democratic Party)
KONO Taro, 61, is a tenth-term Member of the House of Representatives.
Among positions he has held in the past are Foreign Minister; Defense Minister; Minister in charge of COVID-19 Vaccine Roll-out; Digital Minister; Minister for Cyber Security; Minister for Administrative Affairs; Chairman of the National Public Safety Commission, or Minister in charge of the National Police Organization; Minister for Regulatory Reform; Minister for Administrative Reform; Minister for Civil Service Reform; Minister for Consumer Affairs and Food Safety; Minister for Disaster Management; and Chairman of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives. He is a graduate of the School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University. He was Chairman of the Japan Race Horse Association and Chairman of the Shonan Bellmare Football Club, the 1995 Asia Champion Soccer Club. He is married to Kaori and has a son, Ippei.
谷合 正明 公明党 参議院議員 党参議院会長
Taniai Masaaki Member of the House of Councillors (Komeito)
Taniai Masaaki studied at the Faculty of Agriculture at Kyoto University and Uppsala University in Sweden and earned a master’s degree in agricultural economics from Kyoto University. After he involved in refugee support work through the NPO AMDA, he was elected to the House of Councillors in July 2004 as a member of Komeito. He is currently serving his fourth term in the House. He has also served as Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry (2008-2009) and State Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries (2017-2018).
石川 大我 立憲民主党 参議院議員
Ishikawa Taiga Member of the House of Councillors (Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan)
Ishikawa Taiga is a member of the House of Councilors (Constitutional Democratic Party) and a former Toshima city assembly member for 2 terms. Before being elected to the House of Councilors, Mr. Ishikawa was elected to the Toshima City assembly in 2011 as the first elected openly gay public official in Japan. Before that he was the representative of an NPO and secretary to another House of Councilors member.
元なでしこリーグの女子サッカー選手で、 現在は「男性」として生き「ポップなジェンダリスト」として活動するトランスジェンダー3人組。
自分を愛せる世界の実現をVision に掲げ、メディアや SNS 、企業、学校、自治体、多様なイベントなどを通じて、ジェンダーや1人1人の違い、自分の中の多様性について考えるきっかけを創出。また女性、男性、アスリートと多様な世界を生きてきたからこそ経験できたそれぞれの文化の違いやその中で培った新しい視点を活かししながら、POP なスタイルで発信している。
A trio of transgender men, formerly soccer players in Japan’s Nadeshiko League, now living as men and identify as “Pop Genderists” advocating for gender awareness.
To promote the importance of loving oneself, they actively create opportunities for society to reflect on gender differences, individual diversity, using traditional media, social media, company, school and local government events.
They utilize a very “pop” approach to share information capitalizing on new perspectives gained living through diverse situations as women, men and athletes.
キャサリン・オコーネル オコーネル外国法事務弁護士事務所代表弁護士
画期的な貢献は、企業統治の最高レベルにも及び、トヨタ自動車株式会社の社外監査役、および富士通株式会社の社外監査役を務める。 なお、このような役職を務める初の外国人女性であり、伝統的な規範を再構築し、リーダーシップにおける多様性を促進している。
企業での活動に加え、メンターシップや支援活動にも深く関与しており、商工会議所や法律委員会で影響力のある役割を担う。過去にNPO法人「Women in Law Japan」のプレジデントを務めていたことでも明らかなように、法律分野における女性の地位向上に献身的に取り組んでいる。
また、受賞歴のあるポッドキャスト番組「Lawyer on Air」のホストを務め、日本の法曹界で活躍する女性たちの感動的なストーリーを伝えることにより、声を世界中に響き渡らせている。
Catherine O’Connell Principal & Founder of Catherine O’Connell Law
Catherine O’Connell is the Principal & Founder of Catherine O’Connell Law, she holds the distinction of being the first foreign female to establish a boutique commercial law firm in Tokyo, a testament to her entrepreneurial spirit and legal prowess.
Catherine’s achievements are marked by esteemed recognitions, including the Boutique Law Firm of the Year Award in 2023 and the Foreign Lawyer of the Year Award in 2022.
Her groundbreaking contributions extend to the highest levels of corporate governance, where she serves as an Independent Audit & Supervisory Board Member of TOYOTA Motor Corporation and as an Outside Audit & Supervisory Board member of FUJITSU Limited. Notably, she is the first non-Japanese female to hold such positions on Japanese Boards, reshaping traditional norms and fostering diversity in leadership.
Complementing her corporate endeavors, Catherine is deeply committed to mentorship and advocacy, holding influential roles in chambers of commerce and legal committees. Her dedication to empowering women in law is exemplified by her past presidency of NPO, Women in Law Japan.
In the realm of podcasting, Catherine’s voice resonates globally as the host of the award-winning “Lawyer on Air” Podcast, where she shares inspirational stories of women navigating the legal landscape in Japan.
Driven by a vision of authenticity and inclusion, Catherine’s journey embodies resilience, innovation, and a steadfast commitment to effecting positive change. She continues to champion diversity in boardrooms and beyond, serving as a beacon of inspiration for women worldwide.